
Coaching journey


Join me on a journey of discovery…..wellbeing in body and mind, with coaching, physiotherapy and pure essential oils.

Complimentary tip sheets for easy steps towards freedom in thinking, moving and lifestyle!


Kate Dobson Ridout

Kate Dobson Ridout Physiotherapist and Life-coach

Journey road

Coaching is a journey of self discovery

Essential oils display

“Pursue What’s Pure” Essential oils for body and mind



My Passions

Complimentary 30 minute first online session  in ALL areas

Are you feeling :




Facing major life challenges?

Get the answers you want, work with me.

I will ask the right questions, listen, encourage your own self discovery and help you stay involved and motivated.

I am a member of the International Coaching Federation UK (UK ICF)

Pelvic Health


Do you want a postnatal physiotherapy check?

Do you have worries about your pelvic floor health?

Do you want to get back to activity after orthopaedic surgery?

Learn to move freely again, with easy achievable exercises and advice.

I will provide a full physiotherapy check up, functional, exercises and advice.

I am a member of the CSP and medically insured through HCPC.

Essential Oil


Do you want to start detoxing your life, using safe products on your skin and in your home?

Do you want to swop out your medicine cabinet for healthy natural and pure alternatives?

Do you want to have another tool to support stress management, good fulfilling sleep and mental clarity?

Simple steps to make you life more fulfilling and easy!

I would love to show you how with classes in your home or via zoom.

I have worked with essential oils for 4 years, teaching about them, researching and integrating them into my daily life and the lives of my clients.



Complimentary 30 minute online first session in ALL areas

“Kate is approachable, wise, calm, and an excellent listener, - she is great at prompting you to find your own solutions.  I highly recommend her as a personal coach.    I was having a block with posting on social media, Kate enabled me to see social media as a means to share my knowledge and my passion to inform others, as though talking to a new client – Light Bulb Moment ! “

( Lucy Till - Celebrant - Wiltshire)

Click below for your COMPLIMENTARY ‘Transform your thinking’ Tip Sheet

Testimonials and Tip Sheets !

Pelvic Health


“I loved my physio sessions with Kate. She always understood what I was trying to explain and gave me exercises and advice that fitted easily into my busy life. I got the results I needed from just 3 sessions. I would recommend her to anyone wanting to sort out their womens issues. I have more confidence going out and understand how my body works better now.”

( Helen B - Frome)

Click below for your COMPLIMENTARY ‘More Than A BOGO’ exercise

Essential Oil


“ When I had an oils class with Kate, she was funny, relaxed and knows so much about essential oils, I loved the class and hope others will ask her to run a class for her too. I love my oils now and use them every day, especially I love the Wild Orange as it always makes me feel happy”

( Beth M - Bath)

Click below for your COMPLIMENTARY Lemon Essential Oil benefits and uses sheet